Established in 1983, Mett’s state of the art facility for aluminium diecasting benchmarks itself globally amongst the best. Mett’s expertise extends to precision casting, finishing, machining and assembly.
Mett’s outstanding manufacturing achievements has been recognised for supplying value, quality, service and worldwide competitive pricing. General Motors prestigious International Supplier of the Year Award stands out amid the numerous accolades received.
The die casting cells at Mett are of the most advanced technology available and are utilised for aluminium casting.
Mett’s experience in manufacturing intricate aluminium diecast components to unsurpassed technical and quality standards, is enhanced by it’s capability to supply close tolerance machined, assembled and tested products.
Wherever intricate precision diecasting is required, Mett can apply expertise and commitment of support. Mett supports the car manufacturers, component suppliers and numerous other industries in Australia.
Continuous improvement in partnership with customers, in the areas of design, manufacture and material handling to enhance competitiveness and profitability is a daily routine at Mett and seen as vital to Mett’s successful development.
Mett’s sister company, Hilton Tooling, is renowned for precision tooling and supplies to prestigious markets around the globe.
With a covered manufacturing floor space in excess of 35,000m2, the plant layout and operation is designed to provide a safe working place, address environmental issues on a continual basis and to promote and entrench efficiency whilst minimising waste.
Mett employs over 200 people and growing at its Noble Park base in Victoria.